Walmsleys can design, manufacture and retrofit new condensate systems in any Yankee dryer / MG cylinder. New condensate systems are often installed to replace old, inefficient systems. The new systems will improve condensate removal and sheet moisture profile, whilst making your dryer more efficient and maintenance friendly.
Please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Recent Condensate Removal System References
Full system for an 18 foot Yankee Dryer - USA.
Full system for a 12 foot Yankee Dryer - USA.
Full system for a 12 foot Yankee Dryer - USA.
Full system for an 18 foot Yankee Dryer - USA.
Full system for a 12 foot Yankee Dryer - Australia.
Full system for an 18 foot Yankee Dryer - USA.
Full system for a 15 foot Yankee Dryer - Canada.
Full system for a 12 foot Yankee Dryer - Canada.
Full system for a 16 foot Yankee Dryer - USA.
Full system for a 12 foot Yankee Dryer - USA.